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Text File | 1997-11-15 | 67.0 KB | 1,547 lines |
- This document is not subject to copyright. See section 9 below.
- Version 1.0: 13 November 1997
- by David A. Hastings
- U. S. Department of Commerce
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Geophysical Data Center
- Boulder CO 80303
- dah@ngdc.noaa.gov
- _Summary:_ This document describes how to acquire, install and
- configure a powerful scientific public-domain Geographic Information
- System (GIS): the Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
- (GRASS). It provides information on other resources for learning more
- about GRASS, GIS in general, for acquiring data, etc.
- This document also encourages the Linux community to consider
- enhancing this software as a major application of UNIX/Linux. ("When
- will Linux become bundled with public domain or Linux Public License
- 'killer aps'"?) For more on this topic, see Section 8 below.
- Contents
- 1. _What is a GIS?
- What is GRASS?
- A Brief History of GRASS
- 1. A Re-Invogorated GRASS Management Model
- 2. Continued Assessment of Future GRASS Management
- System Requirements for GRASS
- How to Acquire GRASS
- How to Get GRASS Running on Your Linux-based Computer.
- Web-based Support for GRASS (and for GIS Matters in General)
- The Future of GRASS?
- Copyright Notice, and Notice on Support of this Document
- References_
- _Appendix A: Acquisition/Installation of GRASS4.1.3 Binaries
- Appendix B: Acquisition/Installation of GRASS4.1.5 Binaries
- Appendix C: Acquisition/Compilation of GRASS 4.1.x and 4.2 Source Code
- Appendix D: If you plan to enhance any part of GRASS, read this first!
- Appendix E: Example Linux versions of some critical GRASS files. _
- _________________________________________________________________
- 1. What is a GIS?
- There are many ways to describe a Geographic Information System. Here
- are three working definitions (from David A. Hastings, 1992,
- Geographic Information Systems: A Tool for Geoscience Analysis and
- Interpretation):
- 1. (The minimal definition): A GIS is a hardware/software system for
- the storage, management, and (with hardcopy or screen graphic)
- selective retrieval capabilities of georeferenced data.
- Definitions like this one are often used by vendors and users of
- vector-only GIS, whose objective is sophisticated management and
- output of cartographic data.
- 2. (A parallel definition): A GIS is a hardware/software system for
- managing and displaying spatial data. It is similar to a
- traditional Data Base Management System, where we now think in
- _spatial_ rather than in tabular terms, and where the "report
- writer" now allows output of maps as well as of tables and
- numbers. Thus we can consider a GIS a "spatial DBMS" as opposed to
- traditional "tabular DBMSs." Few people use this definition, but
- it might help to explain GIS to a DBMS user.
- 3. (A more aggressive definition): A GIS is a system of hardware,
- software, and data that facilitates the development, enhancement,
- modeling, and display of multivariate (e.g. multilayered)
- spatially referenced data. It performs some analytical functions
- itself, and by its analysis, selective retrieval and display
- capabilities, helps the user to further analyze and interpret the
- data. Properly configured, the GIS can model (e.g. synthetically
- recreate) a feature or phenomenon as a function of other features
- or phenomena which may be related - where all features or
- phenomena are represented (characterized) by spatial and related
- tabular data. The analytical objectives described here are
- sometimes controversial - and often given lip service by
- cartographic GIS specialists who have not yet seen what can be
- accomplished scientifically by a select few GISs that go beyond
- cartographic approaches.
- 4. Another definition can be found at
- http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/home/research/whatisgis.html at the
- University of Edinburgh
- 2. What is GRASS?
- GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a public
- domain raster based GIS, vector GIS, image processing system, and
- graphics production system. Created by the US Army Corps of Engineers,
- Constriction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA/CERL) and enhanced
- by many others, it is used extensively at government offices,
- universities and commercial organizations throughout the world. It is
- written mostly in C for various UNIX based machines. Linux is one of
- its more robust implementations.
- GRASS contains over 40 programs to render images on monitor and paper;
- over 60 raster manipulation programs; over 30 vector manipulation
- programs; nearly 30 multi-spectral image processing manipulation
- programs; 16 data management programs; and 6 point file management
- programs.
- GRASS' strengths lie in several fields. The simple user interface
- makes it an ideal platform for those learning about GIS for the first
- time. Users wishing to write their own code can do so by examining
- existing source code, interfacing with the documented GIS libraries,
- and by using the GRASS Programmers' Manual. This allows more
- sophisticated functionality to be fully integrated within GRASS.
- Other strengths include GRASS' pioneering of mixed resolutions in a
- data base, mixed geographic coverage areas in a data base, raster
- image compression techniques via run-length encoding and
- reclassification lookup tables, GRASS' rescaling of display images on
- the fly to fill the display screen, plus its fundamental design
- criterion of powerful computer-assisted scientific analysis of
- environmental issues (as opposed to merely going for intricate
- cartographic output of relatively simple processes).
- GRASS is usually supplied as free, non-copyright source code to be
- compiled on host machines. Some compiled binaries are also easily
- obtainable at no cost via the Internet. It runs on a variety of UNIX
- platforms.
- (Copied from Project Assist Intro to
- GRASS:http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/assist/grass)
- 3. A Brief History of GRASS
- In the early 1980s the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' Construction
- Engineering Research Laboratory (USA/CERL) in Champaign, Illinois,
- began to explore the possibilities of using Geographic Information
- Systems to conduct environmental research, assessments, monitoring and
- management of lands under the stewardship of the U. S. Department of
- Defense. Part of the motivation for this action was new responsibility
- for the environment encoded into the National Environmental Policy Act
- of the late 1970s.
- Bill Goran of USA/CERL conducted a survey of available GISs, assuming
- that he could find several systems capable of environmental analysis,
- from which he could select one or more to recommend for use by CERL
- and perhaps others in the Department of Defense. However, he was
- surprised to find no GIS that satisfied his needs. What started as a
- selection process turned into a design exercise for his own GIS
- development program.
- USA/CERL hired several programmers, and began by writing a hybrid
- raster-vector GIS for the VAX UNIX environment. This made the team one
- of the first to seriously develop GIS for UNIX. Though they still
- faced challenges with different versions of UNIX, they developed
- procedures of coding in ANSI standard UNIX, avoiding "tweaking" the
- code toward any particular vendor-specific flavor of UNIX.
- GRASS developed a programming style characterized by:
- * Use of UNIX libraries where possible, plus the creation of GRASS
- libraries for repeated GIS-specific acts such as opening raster
- files that might be compressed (by run-length encoding) or not.
- * The ability to handle both major GIS data types: raster and
- vector.
- * The favoring of raster data processing, as scientific analysis was
- easier to encode with raster (than for vector) data models.
- * The ability to handle raster grids of mixed grid sizes in the same
- data base. This was a departure from raster's image processing
- tradition of requiring identical (and perfectly registered) grid
- cell arrays in each and every data layer.
- * The ability to handle raster grids with different areas of
- coverage. Again, this was a departure from raster tradition of
- having all grids be identical in geographic coverage.
- * The ability to run-length encode raster data files, in order to
- greatly reduce file sizes of most files.
- * The separate structure of reclassification files. Such files
- merely contained a look-up table noting the previous and new
- classes. This is MUCH more compact than replicating the original
- grid with different numerical values. A reclassified file of a
- 100x100 km square area of 10 metre grid cells would be a few
- hundred bytes, rather than 100 megabytes of uncompressed 8-bit
- raster data.
- * The acceptance of de-facto standard data models. While competitors
- created cumbersome (and in many cases secretive) data formats,
- GRASS accepted the de-facto standard Digital Line Graph vector
- format and unheaded binary raster grid format. GRASS later
- abandoned DLG as its internal vector file format, and let its
- raster format evolve. However, DLG and the unheaded binary raster
- grid are still routinely handled formats for GRASS, and its new
- formats are as open as its previous ones.
- * GRASS code was managed in several directories. Initial
- contributions were placed in the src.contrib directory. More solid
- code was moved to the src.alpha directory. After remaining in the
- src.alpha for one full release cycle, the code, with resultant bug
- fixes, moved to the most honorable level, the src directory.
- GRASS was overseen by three levels of oversight committees. USA/CERL
- kept the ultimate responsibility for GRASS. It implemented most GRASS
- development, and carried out the day-to-day management of GRASS
- testing and release. The GRASS Interagency Steering Committee (GIASC),
- comprised of other Federal agencies, met semi-annually to review
- development progress, and evaluate future directions for GRASS.
- (Academic and commercial participants in GRASS also attended GIASC
- meetings; only part of each meeting was "Federal-Agencies-only." GRASS
- eventually became nominally and officially a "product" of the GIASC,
- though everyone recognized USA/CERL's leadership role. The GRASS
- Military Steering Committee met periodically to review the progress of
- GRASS in serving its original intent: meeting the Department of
- Defense's needs to evaluate and manage the environment of military
- lands.
- The public interacted with CERL and GIASC through USA/CERL's GRASS
- Information Center. GRASS Beta testing was very widespread, and quite
- intensive for the leading users of GRASS. Several leading users, such
- as the National Park Service and the Soil Conservation Service,
- selected GRASS as its prime or only GIS. They made significant
- commitments to enhance and test GRASS, yet considered this investment
- well worth their while. They said that they had more influence over
- the direction of GRASS than they would over any known alternative
- system. They also felt that, despite their major efforts and expenses
- in supporting GRASS, they had a bargain in relevant power for the
- dollar.
- Several universities adopted GRASS as an important training and
- research environment. Many conducted short-courses for the public, in
- addition to using GRASS in their own curricula. Examples of such
- leading academic users of GRASS are Central Washington University, The
- University of Arkansas, Texas A & M University, The University of
- California at Berkeley, and Rutgers University.
- Though GRASS received some criticism (some say) for being so good and
- so public, it was also reputedly borrowed from liberally by some
- developers of other systems. Though the first group might have viewed
- it as unfair competition, the second group may have noted that it was
- not copyright, and was a valuable testbed for GIS concepts. GRASS
- received an award from the Urban and Regional Information Systems
- Association (URISA) for quality software in 1988.
- As CERL and GRASS evolved through the late 1980s and early 1990s, CERL
- attempted to cut overhead costs associated with supporting the public
- domain version. It created and initially funded the Open GRASS
- Foundation, in cooperation with several of the leading users of GRASS.
- The Open GRASS Foundation has since evolved into the Open GIS
- Consortium, which is aiming for more thorough interoperability at the
- data and user interface level, but appears not to be taking advantage
- of the major open GIS testbed (GRASS).
- In 1996 USA/CERL, just before beginning the beta testing for GRASS
- version 5.0, announced that it was formally withdrawing support to the
- public. USA/CERL announced agreements with several commercial GISs,
- and agreed to provide encouragement to commercialization of GRASS. One
- result of this is GRASSLANDS:http://www.las.com/grassland/, a
- commercial adaptation of much of GRASS. Another result is a migration
- of several former GRASS users to COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) GISs.
- However, GRASS' anonymous ftp site contains many enhancements to the
- last full version 4.1 release of GRASS. Many organizations still use
- GRASS feeling that, despite the lack of a major release in five years,
- GRASS still leads the pack in many areas.
- 3.1 A Re-Invogorated GRASS Management Model
- In late 1997, a group at Baylor University took the lead in developing
- a new Website for GRASS. This quickly developing Website contains
- GRASS 4.1 source code and Sun Solaris binaries, GRASS 4.1
- documentation, and an on- line manual. By November 1997 this site
- posted the first version of GRASS 4.2 source code and binaries
- currently for Sun Solaris) with Linux and Windows NT under
- consideration). GRASS 4.2 incorporates several enhancements from the
- CERL website, plus some of Baylor's own enhancements. Documentation
- for GRASS 4.2 is appearing; the group encourages cooperation in
- further development of GRASS, and is looking for partners. It hopes to
- use increased use of the World Wide Web in developing and managing
- GRASS. GRASS 5 development and compilation is underway. The site also
- links to the Blackland GRASS site at Texas A&M University, for those
- desiring very inexpensive access to GRASS for Windows 95.
- 3.2 Continued Assessment of Future GRASS Management
- Note: An ad-hoc group (which includes myself) is exploring the basic
- issue of continued, reconfigured, yea perhaps increased, value of
- GRASS as a public test-bed for GIS technology. It is exploring
- shepherding the testing and release of GRASS5.0, and exploring
- possibilities for a more distributed management model for GRASS design
- and development. It is exploring the universe of public domain spatial
- data processing software (including geographic information and image
- processing systems), and perhaps tabular data base management systems.
- How can such knowledge be (1) optimized as an open, public test bed
- for such technology and (2) better used by the public? Might this
- involve a Linux management model, perhaps? See Section 8 for more
- discussion on this topic.
- 4. System Requirements for GRASS
- Minimum requirements include:
- * 8 Mbytes of memory (of course, more is better..)
- * 100 Mbytes of free disk space
- + ~40 mb for executables,
- + ~40 mb for source code (which you can ignore if you merely
- install the Linux binaries)
- + ~? for data (the veritable bottomless pit can be filled with
- data, if you so choose)
- GRASS runs on Linux kernel versions as old as 1.2.13 (see more
- information in the appendices for various specific binaries).
- GRASS will run in text mode. However, for displays of data, you will
- need X. If you are still running a version of X, it will probably work
- with GRASS.
- If you find any other hardware/OS requirements that should be
- mentioned, please let me know!
- 5. How to Acquire GRASS
- GRASS used to be available on tape from various companies that signed
- distribution agreements with USA/CERL. These companies usually
- supported specific platform environments, such as Masscomp, Sun, DEC,
- Hewlett Packard, IBM (risc), PC (running some flavor of UNIX), and
- Macintosh (running AUX). Until recently, the flavors of UNIX working
- on PCs generally were too low-end, or required too much added
- programming support (e.g. programming drivers for high-end graphics
- boards like the Number Nine boards of several years back) to be stable
- or complete. However, with robust systems like Linux, this problem is
- history. Similarly, few people acquire GRASS on tape, though a few do
- on CD-ROM.
- The main way to acquire GRASS is to get it via anonymous ftp from:
- _1. The new site at Baylor University:http://www.baylor.edu/~grass_
- As of the date of this version of the mini-HOWTO, Baylor has source
- code for GRASS 4.1 and 4.2, as well as Sun Solaris compiled binaries.
- Blackland GRASS for Windows 95/NT is linked to from this site. Baylor
- is considering its own Linux and Windows NT binaries, as well. You
- should be able to compile the Baylor source code under Linux yourself,
- using information in this mini-HOWTO.
- _2. The traditional site at USA/CERL:http://www.cecer.army.mil/grass_,
- or from mirrors cited at USA/CERL's website:
- The ftp location is:
- _moon.cecer.army.mil_
- Appendix A describes how to acquire and install GRASS4.13 compiled
- binaries from USA/CERL. (See section 6 before installing GRASS!)
- Appendix B describes how to acquire and install GRASS4.15 compiled
- binaries from USA/CERL. (See section 6 before installing GRASS!)
- Appendix C describes how to acquire and compile GRASS4.14 and
- GRASS4.15 source code from USA/CERL, as well as GRASS4.2 source code
- from Baylor University. (See section 6 before installing GRASS!)
- Linux distribution developers! Might you be interested in including
- GRASS with your distribution? Remember, GRASS source code is in the
- completely unrestricted, copyright-free, public domain. Your
- distribution might be more valuable if it contained source code and/or
- compiled binaries for GRASS.
- 6. How to Get GRASS Running on Your Linux-based Computer.
- Appendices A, B, and C describe how to acquire and install GRASS.
- Before actually installing GRASS, you will have to decide where to put
- three parts of the system:
- 1. The GRASS binaries, source code (if you install this), man pages,
- documentation, and the like. Many folks put this stuff off
- /usr/local (e.g. /usr/local/grass/bin, /usr/local/grass/src).
- 2. The GRASS executable and gmake utilities. Some folks put this
- stuff off /usr/local (e.g. /usr/local/grass/grass4.1 and gmake4.1
- or /usr/local/bin/grass4.1 and gmake4.1).
- 3. The GRASS data directories. These can go anywhere, as they are
- specified in configuration files.
- I have used a different scheme for a decade. As GRASS code,
- binaries, and the like (except data owned by users) are all owned
- by the special user "grass" I don't want this stuff to get spread
- around my system. I create a new directory (usually on a separate
- file system) called /user, and put all my GRASS stuff below this.
- For example:
- /user/grass4.1/bin (I usually put grass4.1 and gmake4.1 here...)
- /data
- /dev
- /etc
- /man
- /src
- /src.alpha
- /src.contrib
- I'm currently building a GRASS5.0 site, which then goes under:
- /user/grass5/bin
- /data (some GRASS5 data formats have changed...)
- /dev
- /etc
- The GRASS Installation Guide (described in Section 10 and in
- Appendix C) is useful for getting GRASS running, even if you
- merely install the binaries as described in Appendices A and B.
- Please don't overlook one important detail: Most GRASS
- installations separate user from software manager accounts and
- UNIX permissions. You should create a "grass" (the quotes here are
- for emphasis, and should not be part of the actual user userid)
- user account on your workstation. All installation and
- configuration of grass should be done by user "grass". Untar (or
- un"cpio" files, run setup configuration utilities, run Gmakefiles
- (GRASS versions of makefiles), and edit configuration files as
- user "grass." Then only RARELY run GRASS as user "grass." (I only
- run GRASS as user "grass" when I am making archival data files in
- the PERMANENT mapset.) This is done for much the same reason as
- not running user software as user "root". YOU CAN DO TOO MUCH
- DAMAGE AS USER "grass"!
- Beyond the instructions in these appendices, and information in
- the GRASS Installation Guide, you have some additional
- housekeeping to do, such as developing a data base. You can
- acquire sample data bases from USA/CERL (directory
- pub/grass/grass4.1/data at anonymous "ftp moon.cecer.army.mil"),
- start from scratch following instructions in the GRASS
- Programmer's Manual (and, to a lesser degree, buried in the
- functional descriptions of the GRASS User's Reference Manual).
- I personally recommend that you start with the Spearfish and
- Global databases available from USA/CERL:
- 1. The Spearfish data base covers two 7.5 minute topographic
- sheets in the northern Black Hills of South Dakota, USA. It
- is in the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection. It was
- originally created by Larry Batten (now of the Environmental
- Systems Research Institute's office in Boulder, Colorado)
- while he was with the U. S. Geological Survey's EROS Data
- Center in South Dakota. The data base was enhanced by
- USA/CERL and cooperators. It is an excellent, and well-used
- (there are many training materials available for GRASS with
- this data base) example of a county-scale GIS project in the
- UTM projection.
- 2. The Global data base was developed by Bob Lozar of USA/CERL
- to prototype a latitude-longitude "projection" data base in
- GRASS for global environmental study and decision support.
- Starting with these two examples, you can build your own data
- bases in UTM and latitude-longitude projections. (Note, many
- people don't call latitude-longitude a projection. Others
- disagree, saying that anything that transfers the Earth's surface
- to two dimensions is a projection.. We'll stay away from that
- debate here. Needless to say, lat-lon is treated as other
- projections are by the computer program.)
- 7. Web-based Support for GRASS (and for GIS Matters in General)
- Support for a public domain program? No way, they say! Actually,
- as a user of Linux, you probably know better.
- GRASS started by having a GRASS Information Office at USA/CERL.
- There were also very active users outside USA/CERL, who provided
- valuable user support. GRASS had annual users' meetings,
- listservers for users and developers, etc. Companies provided
- value added support services on a contractual or fee basis.
- Various people have developed valuable books and training
- materials on GRASS. Several universities used to conduct training
- courses in GRASS. I don't know how many of these are continuing.
- If training courses interest you, try asking on the usenet
- newsgroup comp.infosystems.gis (see below for more on this
- newsgroup).
- Valuable "books" available on the Internet are noted in the
- References (Section 10).
- World Wide Web-based training materials, including training in
- GRASS, are highlighted in the CyberInstute Short Course in
- GIS:http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/tools/gis/referenc.html (then
- scan down for the link(s) to Web-based tutorials in GIS).
- One of the better GRASS tutorials is Project Assist's - Intro to
- GRASS:http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/assist/grass
- Other good sites:
- Central Washington University was an early GRASS user and training
- facility:http://www.csu.edu/~gishome/grass.htm
- "Starting the hunt for mostly free spatial data" by Stephan
- Pollard:http://cast.uark.edu/local/hunt This is based at the
- Center for Advanced Spatial Technology of the University of
- Arkansas, another early educator with GRASS.
- Purdue University has several GRASS
- features:http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~aggrass
- USA/CERL's online GRASS
- manual:http://www.cecer.army.mil/grass/userman/main-alpha.html
- Rutgers University's GRASS Information
- Center:http://deathstar.rutgers.edu/grassinfo.html
- The REGIS project:http://www.regis/berkeley.edu at the University
- of California at Berkeley as a Linux version of GRASS available
- via ftp, and also has a Web-based version of GRASS called
- After getting trained by the books and Web-based tutorials noted
- just above, where do you turn to for specific advice???
- Probably the best source of support these days is usenet newsgroup
- comp.infosystems.gis If you're not familiar with newsgroups, ask
- your network administrator or Internet service provider.
- comp.infosystems.gis contains modestly heavy traffic on such
- topics as
- + "how do I find data on this topic for this area?"
- + "how do I convert these data for use in my Aardvark GIS?"
- + "how do I get this function to work in my Aardvark GIS?"
- + "which GIS can I use to solve my particular problem?"
- GRASS used to be one of the top GISs discussed on this group.
- Traffic in GRASS is dropping slightly, as its user community
- matures. However, there are usually answers to your questions, if
- you post them. You might also do a "power search" on subject:GRASS
- [& your own subject of interest here?] and
- newsgroup:comp.infosystems.gis in DejaNews:http://www.dejanews.com
- to see what might appear from the usenet archives.
- 8. The Future of GRASS?
- Excellent question! Several possible answers have been thrown out:
- 1. USA/CERL's announced intention is to use GRASS and COTS
- (commercial off-the-shelf software) for internal uses, to
- leave the GRASS public web- and ftp-site on its system
- indefinitely, and to sign cooperative research and
- development agreements with three companies: (1) the
- Environmental Sciences Research Institute (ESRI), (2)
- Intergraph, and (3) Logiciels et Applications Scientifiques
- (L.A.S.) Inc. The first two agreements encouraged the
- incorporation of GRASS concepts into ESRI's and Intergraph's
- commercial GISs. The third encouraged the adaptation of
- GRASS' concepts and code into a new commercial GIS by L.A.S.
- L.A.S. also offered to encourage the continuation of a public
- domain GRASS, as a viable stand-alone system and as a
- potential source of new ideas and code for L.A.S.'s
- GRASSLAND. One observer noted that the first two agreements
- might be akin to someone signing Linux over to Microsoft. The
- same observer considers the experiment by/with L.A.S. to be
- an interesting possibility - an attempt to keep viable public
- domain and commercial versions of GRASS.
- 2. Some people believe that GRASS will wither without USA/CERL's
- central management. Some believe that the Open GIS Consortium
- will successfully guide industry into an open architecture
- that will benefit all developers and users. Others believe
- that OGIS' effort will lead to a cacophony of almost similar
- (but not quite interoperable) vendor-specific "standards," so
- the loss of GRASS as an open development platform will be
- felt sorely.
- 3. Some people believe that developments on some campuses and
- other sites may result in those institutes keeping GRASS for
- awhile, but in non-standard forms. In short, GRASS will
- undergo "cell division" and lead to a cacophony of internally
- valuable, but externally unused, GISs.
- 4. Others hope that GRASS' previous management model under
- USA/CERL has left it ready for a new model. Perhaps:
- 1. Under a new mentor, such as NASA (which needs an open,
- powerful and scientific, GIS integrated with image
- processing system for its Earth Observing System).
- 2. Under a distributed management model... perhaps somewhat
- like Linux?
- 3. Perhaps a bit of a hybrid? Perhaps a Web-based effort
- could spawn a series of usenet discussion groups
- beginning with
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass, and evolving to:
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.academics
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.publicservice
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.commercialvalueadded
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.commercialdistributors
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.programming
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.users
- # comp.infosystems.gis.grass.centralcommittee
- Clearly the topics are a bit tongue-in-cheek. However, under
- this model, a Central Committee (including
- representation of academic, public service [government
- and nongovernmental organizations], commercial
- distributors and value added firms, programmers, and
- users) would guide overall grass development and
- testing. The other special interest groups would serve
- their user communities. Academics, for example, would
- involve GIS and GRASS education, but would also try to
- pull GRASS development in its direction. Value added
- commercial developers would serve their own interests,
- including trying to pull GRASS development in a
- direction that would help their businesses. Users would
- help each other learn GRASS, develop workarounds to
- bugs, etc.
- GRASS offers considerable potential for:
- + Use as a scientific, as well as a traditional graphically
- oriented GIS. Many GISs can make pretty maps. Many of those
- GISs cannot easily perform certain scientific analytical
- functions as easily or powerfully as GRASS. GRASS was
- designed and developed in response to a perceived need for
- scientific GIS, specifically for environmental analysis, and
- the environmental management/protection of public lands.
- Incidentally, there is at least one Web-based GRASS version.
- GRASSLINKS:http://www.regis/berkeley.edu/grasslinks,
- developed at the University of California at Berkeley, uses
- Web forms to submit commands to the server, which creates
- .gif-based display output, places the images into pages, and
- serves them up to the requester. More on that later.
- + Education. GRASS is easier to teach and learn than some other
- GISs. It is easier to modify (for those that want to learn
- GIS as computer science, rather than as "geography") than
- most other GISs that come without source code and treat the
- program as a magical black box. And, of course, it is more
- affordable for the student of GIS than many other GISs.
- + Applications research and development. Many universities have
- used GRASS. Its available source code, easy modification,
- easy scriptability, etc., give it distinct advantages over
- some more closed systems.
- + Public Service. GRASS has been used as a scientific GIS for
- many public service applications. There is considerable value
- in continuing a robust GIS that can ba packaged with any UNIX
- workstation. There is considerably more value if that UNIX
- workstation universe can include Linux (but is not
- constrained only to Linux).
- + GIS research and development. For example - do you want to
- experiment with a different data model? Add it to GRASS!
- + Commercialization. This document gives contact information
- for a commercial version of GRASS. That company (and perhaps
- others?) may welcome your help in enhancing/supporting their
- product.
- Who would be the Linus Torvelds equivalent in this management
- model? Perhaps no single person. I have been involved in GRASS for
- about a decade, when GRASS was the only GIS that satisfied my
- needs in scientific data management and GIS application. Indeed, I
- had been a dedicated avoider of the user-unfriendly UNIX
- environment until GRASS forced me to learn it. Several senior
- GRASS developers are active in GRASS-related activities and would
- like to see the continued vitality of an open GRASS. It's likely
- that a reborn GRASS would attract a new crop of friends. Thus the
- concept of a "Central Committee" to collectively lead GRASS'
- transition to a more open management and development style.
- In short, the Linux community has an opportunity to take under its
- wing a killer ap. GRASS' current public domain status is slightly
- different from Linux's. However, that status could be
- discussed....
- Comments would be appreciated!
- 9. Copyright Notice, and Notice on Support of this Document
- Copyright notice:
- This document was prepared by a Federal civil servant in support
- of his work (but mostly on his own time). It is NOT SUBJECT TO
- Notice on support of this document:
- I believe that the contents of this document are accurate.
- However, if you use this document, you accept the risks for any
- errors in this document (and in any documents that are cited
- here).
- I would greatly appreciate help in correcting any errors, or in
- enhancing this document. However, "my time is limited" in dealing
- with this issue. Any help that you can provide, that also helps me
- to more efficiently respond to your interest, is more likely to be
- responded to quickly. A complaint might be appreciated, but a
- suggested improvement that includes draft wording might be REALLY
- appreciated.
- 10. References
- For general reference material on GIS, try a very good technical
- bookstore (in many cases these are campus bookstores at schools
- with good GIS programs or top-notch technical or general
- bookstores - you know that ones are near you..), or the following
- URL for the CyberInstitute Short Course on Geographic Information
- Systems:hQfttp://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/tools/gis/referenc.html
- (convened by myself):
- Also check
- Baylor University's growing GRASS Home
- Page:http://www.baylor.edu/~grass
- USA/CERL's GRASS Home Page:http://www.cecer.army.mil/grass
- For a good collection of references on GRASS, try this procedure,
- to load up on reference goodies from USA/CERL:
- ftp moon.cecer.army.mil
- login: anonymous
- password: your email address
- cd pub/grass/grass4.1/outgoing
- image
- get grassman.ps.Z (or grassman.txt.Z, or grassman.wp.Z)
- cd ../documents/programmer/postscript
- image
- get progman.ps.Z
- cd ../../user/postscript
- image
- get refman.ps.Z
- cd ../..
- image
- get installGuide.ps.Z
- bye
- uncompress grassman.ps.Z
- uncompress progman.ps.Z
- uncompress refman.ps.Z
- uncompress installGuide.ps.Z
- lpr *.ps (or whatever is appropriate for your environment)
- installGuide => The GRASS Installation Guide (you need this to
- compile GRASS source code)
- grassman => The GRASS Beginner's Manual (intro to GRASS)
- refman => The GRASS User's Reference Manual (function guide)
- progman => The GRASS Programmer's Manual (and administrator's
- guide - this is valuable for info about data formats, etc.)
- Browse around the ftp site noted just above, and you may find more
- stuff of interest. Particularly in the
- pub/grass/grass4.1/documents directory, there are tutorials on
- advanced GRASS functions such as r.mapcalc (think of this as math
- applied to raster arrays), r.combine and r.weight (think of this
- as how to combine spatial submodels into one type of model), and
- others.
- Incidentally, do you prefer German? Try The University of
- Hannover's site:http://www.laum.uni-hannover.de/iln/grass/handbuch
- _____________________________________________________________
- Appendix A: Acquisition/Installation of GRASS4.13 Binaries
- This appendix describes how to acquire and install Linux binaries
- for GRASS4.13 (the 3rd update to the last full release of GRASS,
- version 4.1).
- How to get these files:
- ftp moon.cecer.army.mil
- login: anonymous
- password: your email address
- cd pub/grass/grass4.1/release/binaries/linux
- image
- mget grassa*
- bye
- Installation instructions:
- ********************************************************************
- * GRASS 4.1 Update 3 for Linux
- *
- * This package contains GRASS programs only, *NO* GIS
- * data is included. You can find example GRASS data at
- * moon.cecer.army.mil
- *
- * Compiled by: Andy Burnett - burnett@zorro.cecer.army.mil
- * compiled on: April 7, 1994
- ********************************************************************
- System Requiremnts:
- 35 MB disk space to hold the binary distribution
- System library requirements:
- libc4.5.21 or greater
- libX.so.3.1.0 or greater
- If you are running libraries that are older than these, this binary
- distribution will *NOT* run on your linux system.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Files in this release:
- README_4.1.3 what you are currently reading
- ginstall simple grass installation script
- grassaa --------|
- grassab |
- grassac |
- grassad |
- grassae |-- the linux GRASS binaries
- grassaf |
- grassag |
- grassah |
- grassai |
- grassaj |
- grassak --------|
- To install this binary distribution of grass for linux, you
- can simply run the ginstall script or you can unpack the files by
- hand. I recommend using the ginstall script ... it's very simple and
- should be bullet proof. To run the ginstall script, you will need
- gawk (gnu awk) installed on your system and it needs to be in your
- If, however, you want to do things by hand, here's what you need to
- do:
- o make the destination directory (/usr/grass, /usr/local/grass,
- whatever) This will become your GISBASE for grass.
- ********************* LOOK HERE **************************************
- from here on, replace $GISBASE with the name of the directory you just
- created
- ********************* LOOK HERE **************************************
- o cat grassa? | gzip -d | (cd $GISBASE; tar xvf -)
- This will unpack all the grass binaries into the $GISBASE directory
- o copy $GISBASE/etc/moncap.sample to $GISBASE/etc/monitorcap and edit
- it.
- o change all occurrences of GBASE in that file to $GISBASE
- o copy $GISBASE/etc/grass4.1 into a public directory (I suggest
- /usr/bin)
- o edit the copy you just made:
- change all occurrences of GBASE to $GISBASE
- _____________________________________________________________
- Appendix B: Acquisition/Installation of GRASS4.1.5 Binaries
- This appendix describes how to acquire and install Linux binaries
- for GRASS4.15 (the 5th and last update to the last full release of
- GRASS, version 4.1).
- How to get these files:
- ftp moon.cecer.army.mil
- login: anonymous
- password: your email address
- cd pub/grass/grass4.1/release/binaries/linux
- image
- mget linuxa*
- bye
- Installation instructions:
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Files in this release:
- README_4.1.5 what you are currently reading
- install.sh simple grass installation script
- linuxaa --------|
- linuxab |
- linuxac |
- linuxad |
- linuxae |-- the linux GRASS binaries, version 4.1.5
- linuxaf |
- linuxag |
- linuxah |
- linuxai --------|
- * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- *
- The GRASS4.15 for Linux was compiled in my Linux box with the
- following configuration:
- Slackware 3.0
- kernel 1.2.13
- gcc 2.7.0
- libc 5.0.9
- flex 3.5.2
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- The binaries was tared and gziped, then split into 9 (close to 1.3 MB
- - 1200 x 1K block) files named from linuxg.aa to linuxg.ai.
- You should ftp all the linuxg.a* in binary mode and also get this
- readme file and an installation script - install.sh. Please put all
- of these files in the same directory - source directory.
- At the source directory under the UNIX prompt, type
- sh ./install.sh full_path_to_the_destination_directory
- and it should automatically unzip and untar the linuxg.a* files to the
- destination directory and also edit several site-specific files. The
- total space your need is about 26 MB.
- At the destination directory, your can find the grass4.1 script. It
- should have been modified to reflect your installation directory.
- Now, either move/copy the grass4.1 file to one of your PATH or use the
- link command as below:
- cd /usr/local/bin
- ln -s destination_directory/etc/grass4.1 grass4.1
- Now, your are ready to start GRASS by typing grass4.1 and you should
- know how to run GRASS afterward.
- There is a readme directory in the destination_directory/etc
- directory. This directory has several readme files that come with
- some incoming commands. You can find all the compiled commands of
- this binaries in the commands.readme file. I can't guarantee that all
- of them work but I have tested lots of them. If you find some
- commands that don't work, please post a message on the grass user
- group and we can solve it all together.
- Yung-Tsung Kang,
- Michigan State University
- _____________________________________________________________
- Appendix C: Acquisition/Compilation of GRASS Source Code
- The GRASS binaries for Linux tend to work. Why would anyone want
- to mess with the source code?
- Let's try to answer this with another question: "Why can't I get
- the source code to my GIS, so I can see how it works, and maybe
- fix some things to work the way I like them?" (You probably know
- the answers to this question, at least for many commercial
- software packages.)
- If you want to
- 1. Add any of the numerous existing alpha and contributed GRASS
- functions,
- 2. Understand how a function works (did any programming
- shortcuts or performance enhancements affect the accuracy of
- a function? Can I improve the performance of a function?)
- 3. Revise or enhance the code (if you do this, please see
- Appendix D!),
- 4. Try compiling several tens of megabytes of source code, this
- appendix is for you. Also check Appendix E.
- First, you need to acquire the source code, and the GRASS
- Installation Guide. You may also want to get the GRASS
- Programmer's Manual and User's Reference Manual. To do this:
- ftp moon.cecer.army.mil
- login: anonymous
- password: your email address
- cd pub/grass/grass4.1/release/source
- get README.4
- get README.5
- image
- mget s4* (or s5*, your choice)
- cd ../../documents
- get installGuide.ps.Z
- cd /manuals/programmer/postscript
- get progman.ps.Z
- cd ../../user/postscript
- get refman.ps.Z
- bye
- Don't forget this site. There are several tutorials on some of
- GRASS' more advanced programs in the pub/grass/grass4.1/document
- directory. There are two options for source code (I'm only
- discussing GRASS version 4.14 here, though version 4.15 is also
- available) The pub/grass/outgoing directory contains many
- contributed functions (and many other candidates for enhancing
- your system).
- Follow the README.4 file for installing GRASS version 4.14 (which
- is sometimes called version 4.1.4) source code. Follow the
- README.5 file for installing GRASS version 4.15 (which is
- sometimes called version 4.1.5) source code.
- After installing the source code, uncompress and print
- installGuide.ps.Z (or the troff version, if you prefer that and
- got it from a neighboring directory). You might also want to
- uncompress and print refman.ps.Z and progman.ps.Z at the same
- time. Note that progman.ps.Z is called the programmer's manual,
- but also contains valuable information about data formats and
- directory structures. Advanced users may also want to know the
- GRASS system utilities, even if they won't be calling them in
- code.
- Now, use the GRASS Installation Guide (from installGuide.ps.Z) to
- guide yourself through the installation. The thickness of this
- document may at first be intimidating. However, if you installed
- Linux yourself, you should be ready to tackle a GRASS
- installation. Don't be surprised if a function or two does not
- compile on your system. I have a couple of uncompiled functions on
- my own Linux system. Fortunately, these are functions that I don't
- use... Some day I'll get back to them, fix them, and compile
- them!?
- _____________________________________________________________
- Here is a late-breaking addition, on how to install the newly
- released GRASS 4.2 from Baylor
- University:http://www.baylor.edu/~grass This text is as provided
- by Baylor, unedited by myself due to its release only a few days
- ago. Please note the similarity with other installations..
- GRASS 4.2 Quick Start
- Installtion Instuctions
- _WARNING:_ These instructions pertain to the 4.2 release of GRASS
- Users are urged to consult the complete installation guide for
- more detailed instructions.
- _$GIS/src_ - This directory contains scripts and files used to
- compile GRASS. By running scripts and changing lists of programs
- you generate GRASS binaries for your system.
- You may mount a disk containing GRASS source on different types of
- machines and compile without making source code copies. You follow
- the following instructions for each machine.
- _WARNING:_ These instructions presume that you have familiarity
- with UNIX, C, make, and shell scripting. Murphy's law visits GRASS
- regularly and your expertise in these matters will be the best
- defense against Mr. Murphy.
- _WARNING:_ These instructions and scripts have been used to
- compile GRASS on various machines. Please mail results of using
- this information for compiling GRASS on your platforms and
- operating system to:
- grass@baylor.edu
- GISGEN script which will compile GRASS
- MAKELINKS script used after GISGEN to establish the user executable
- commands
- VERSION current version number and date of the GRASS release
- generic/ system independent files need by gmake
- gmake shell script which does compilations
- make.def make variables
- make.tail some additional make rules
- head/ gmake header file(s) for this site. Header files are
- created by running the utils/setup command.
- lists/ lists of programs to be compiled
- GRASS standard GRASS programs
- local site specific GRASS programs
- ... architecture dependent GRASS programs
- next_step/ files used by GISGEN to keep track of how far along
- it is in the compilation. Used to restart
- GISGEN (after a failure) where it left off.
- utils/ contains the 'setup' script and all support scripts
- and files needed by 'setup'
- (1) Generate files that contain location and machine specific make
- information.
- (2) Edit files containing lists of location and machine specific
- programs to be compiled (generally printer, digitizer, and graphics
- drivers).
- (3) Run GRASS compilation script
- (4) Run GRASS program linking script
- (5) Edit device driver configuratin files
- (6) Compile GRASS contributed, alpha programs.
- (7) Compile GRASS related and hybrid programs.
- _(1) Generate make support files_
- Each machine and location needs to have GRASS compiled in ways
- that specify different:
- + compilation and load flags
- + system libraries
- + installation directories
- + default data bases and locations
- The shell script utils/setup assists you in define many of the make
- options and definitions that will become part of every
- compile-time generated makefile (about 350). It also creates your
- shell script for compiling individual GRASS programs - gmake4.2.
- Run "utils/setup" and answer the questions.
- The makefile portions are placed in the head/ under a name which
- you specify/approve in the utils/setup process. The executable
- shell script which directs compilation is placed in (by default)
- /usr/local/bin.
- Examine the just created file in head/ to make sure things are ok.
- A brief description for each defined variable follows:
- ARCH = Key name identifying the architecture of the machine
- on which you are compiling GRASS.
- GISBASE = Directory into which compiled GRASS will be contained
- UNIX_BIN = Local directory where the GRASS entry program and gmake
- will be contained
- DEFAULT_DATABASE= Directory where local GRASS data bases are contained
- DEFAULT_LOCATION= GRASS data base that users get as the first default
- COMPILE_FLAGS = Compilation flags
- LDFLAGS = Load flags
- TERMLIB = System library containing low-level cursor movement
- CURSES = System library that supports screen cursor control
- MATHLIB = System math library
- LIBRULE = Method for archiving and randomizing libraries
- USE_TERMIO = Flag to use the termio library if available
- USE_MTIO = Flag to use the mtio library if available
- CAN_CLEAR = Flag indicating that the terminal screen can be cleared
- DIGITFLAGS = Flags to set owner and priority of the v.digit program
- _(2) Edit files containing lists of location and machine specified
- programs_
- The directory lists/ contains files that list directories that
- will be compiled. Directory names are relative to the GRASS src
- directory. The file lists/GRASS lists all basic GRASS programs
- that get compiled at every site. The file lists/local and
- lists/$ARCH.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- $ARCH is the architecture name you approved while running the
- utils/setup script. You can determine this by running:
- gmake4.2 -sh | grep ARCH
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- There man not be a lists/$ARCH file, but you are free to create it to
- add names of programs you want compiled specifically for this
- architecture. It is an architecture-specific list which allows NFS
- linked source code to compile one set of programs for one machine,
- and another set for another machine. All machines that share the
- same source code via NFS mounts will compile the directories
- listed in lists/local.
- All lists may contain comment lines - indicated by a # as the
- first character in the line. The lists/local file contains lists
- of all digitizer, graphics, and paint (hard-copy map) drivers. All
- machine specific devices are commented out - you must uncomment
- those that are particular to your site or architecture. You are
- encouraged to move the graphics driver items to the appropriate
- lists/$ARCH file.
- _(3) Run GRASS compilation program_
- The script GISGEN drives the compilation process. If all goes well
- you will be able to simply enter the command GISGEN and wait. The
- entire compilation process takes from about 1/2 hour on the faster
- workstations to about 8 hours on the slower workstations.
- GISGEN collects all of the directory names to be compiled from
- lists/GRASS lists/$ARCH and lists/local and begins running
- gmake4.2 in each directory. Screen output is a collection of
- messages from GISGEN and from the UNIX make program. Failure at
- any step will halt compilation. On failure you might do one of the
- following things:
- 1 - Fix a compilation problem by modifying code in the directory that
- failed. After modification, return to this directory and rerun
- GISGEN. Compilation will pick up at the failed directory and continue
- down the list of directories if successful.
- 2 - Restart GISGEN. If the failure requires modifications to code already
- compiled, or the compilation options you set in step 1, you must
- remove next_step/$ARCH (or next_step/next_step if ar architecture name
- was not specified in step 2. You may then rerun GISGEN.
- 3 - Skip the failed directory. In this case you must seek through the
- files list/GRASS lists/$ARCH and lists/local to determine the directory
- name that follows the failed directory name. The failed name is in
- next_step/$ARCH and must be replaced in that file with the next name.
- After editing, rerun GISGEN
- When complete GISGEN will put the word DONE into the next_step
- file and will print the phrase "DONE generating GIS binary code"
- to the screen.
- _(4) Run GRASS program linking script_
- The GISGEN directs a compilation process that stashes the GRASS
- programs away in directories unavailable to the user community.
- Most user commands are actually links to a single program called
- "front.end". Links to this program must be made for every actual
- GRASS program. This is done AFTER GISGEN is finished. To make (or
- re-make) links for all user programs run the script MAKELINKS.
- _(5) Edit device driver configuratin files_
- Your compiled system may any combination of several graphics,
- paint, and digitizer drivers. Refer to the GRASS installation
- instructions for details.
- NOTE: If you have trouble compiling your graphics driver, go to
- the directory $GIS/src/display/devices and compile the proper
- drivers manually using gmake4.2.
- _(6) Compile GRASS contributed, alpha programs._
- GRASS programs come in three flavors:
- MAIN - The programs are those compiled in step 3. They have stood
- the test of time and are generally reliable programs.
- ALPHA - Alpha programs are intended to be included with the MAIN
- programs in the next release.
- CONTRIB - Sites generate lots of special purpose programs in GRASS
- to get some job done, but do not polish the effort sufficiently to
- even be considered alpha code can be distributed in this category.
- ALPHA programs are found in the directory src.alpha. You, the
- installer may visit these programs and compile any that you
- desire. In directories that contain Gmakefile files, simply run:
- gmake4.2
- CONTRIB programs are in the directory src.contrib. The state of
- these programs are varied. Some programs may compile with
- gmake4.2; others are suitable as a starting point for programmers
- who will be writing new software.
- _(7) Compile GRASS related and hybrid programs._
- The GRASS user community has discovered that there are several
- public-domain programs that are very useful in conjunction with
- GRASS. These are found in the directory src.related. Compile these
- programs based on instructions (or lack of instructions) in the
- individual directories.
- Hybrid programs are those that mix the capabilities of GRASS with
- the capabilities of one or more of the "related" programs. These
- are found in the src.garden directory. They require successful
- compilation of the "related" programs and generally compile using
- the gmake4.2 and the included Gmakefile files.
- _____________________________________________________________
- The rest of the compilation should just take some time. If you
- have already installed GRASS binaries, you should back up your
- system (or at least get the working binaries out of the way of
- your compilation!).
- Good Luck! And be secure in the likelihood that you can use the
- compiled binaries if you bail out of a full compilation of the
- source code.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Appendix D: If you plan to enhance any part of GRASS, read this first!
- GRASS has been developed for over a decade as completely
- unrestricted public domain source code and executables. Though
- there was initial resistance to the existence of such robust
- software in the public domain, many competitors learned to take
- advantage of GRASS. It has reputedly been the intellectual
- stimulus for several enhancements to other GISs. Several companies
- conducted business by installing and customizing public domain
- GRASS for customers, and by providing other value-added services
- such as data base development.
- As USA/CERL no longer supports the public version of GRASS, users
- are free to use what currently exists. They're also currently
- completely on their own. At least where the public domain version
- is concerned.
- There is a commercial version of
- GRASS:http://www.las.com/grassland, adapted from the public domain
- version by Logiciels et Applications Scientifiques (L.A.S) Inc. of
- Montreal . In a recent check, LAS sold its GRASSLAND for Sun,
- Linux and Windows NT. LAS is trying to encourage the continuation
- of a robust public domain Linux, partly as a source of new ideas
- and code for their own developments.
- Appendix E: Example Linux versions of some critical GRASS files.
- This appendix is the home of Linux-specific examples of selected
- GRASS configuration files. Currently, only several examples of a
- single file are offered. However, this is the most important file
- for configuration! Later, examples of database configuration files
- (e.g. DEFAULT_WIND) and other files may appear.
- In the Installation Guide (pp. 10-11) you will see mention of the
- [header] file in directory $GIS/src/CMD/header (where $GIS is the
- directory in which you place GRASS - some folks put this in
- /usr/local - I put everything in a GRASS' own filesystem/directory
- /user/grass4.1). The installation guide favors Sun systems, as
- these were the development environment for GRASS4. (In case you
- cared, Masscomp workstations were earlier development
- environments.) Below are examples of this file for linux (which
- you might want to name linux in your $GIS/src/CMD/header
- directory. You may want to refer to this section when running the
- setup ($GIS/src/CMD/utils/setup) command.
- _____________________________________________________________
- One version:
- CC = gcc
- ARCH =
- GISBASE = /user/grass4.1
- UNIX_BIN = /user/grass4.1/bin
- DEFAULT_DATABASE = /user/grass4.1/data
- LDFLAGS = -s
- XTLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XMLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XLIB = -lX11
- XTLIB = -lXt
- XMLIB = -lXm
- CURSES = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
- MATHLIB = -lm
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
- # LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
- LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- _____________________________________________________________
- Another version:
- #CC = gcc
- #CC = gcc -ggdb -traditional
- CC = gcc -traditional
- #CC = gcc -static
- ARCH = linux
- GISBASE = /usr2/local/grass/grass4.1
- UNIX_BIN = /usr/local/bin
- DEFAULT_DATABASE = /usr2/local/grass
- LDFLAGS = -s
- XLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XTLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XMLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XLIB = -lX11
- XTLIB = -lXt
- XMLIB = -lXm
- CURSES = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
- MATHLIB = -lm
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
- # LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
- LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- _____________________________________________________________
- Another version:
- #CC = gcc -traditional -ggdb
- CC = gcc -traditional -m486
- #CC = gcc
- ARCH = linux
- GISBASE = /usr/local/grass/grass4.1
- UNIX_BIN = /usr/local/bin
- DEFAULT_DATABASE = /usr/local/grass
- LDFLAGS = -s
- XLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XTLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XMLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XLIB = -lX11
- XTLIB = -lXt
- XMLIB = -lXm
- CURSES = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
- MATHLIB = -lm
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
- # LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
- LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- _____________________________________________________________
- Yet another version:
- CC = cc
- ARCH = linux
- GISBASE = /usr/local/grass4.15/linux
- UNIX_BIN = /usr/local/grass4.15/linux
- DEFAULT_DATABASE = /data/grassdata
- # -fwritable-strings - for ps.map only
- #COMPILE_FLAGS = -O -m486 -fwritable-strings
- COMPILE_FLAGS = -O -m486
- LDFLAGS = -s
- XLIBPATH = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
- XTLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XMLIBPATH = -L/usr/lib
- XLIB = -lX11
- XTLIB = -lXt
- XMLIB = -lXm
- CURSES = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
- MATHLIB = -lm
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
- # LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
- # LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
- LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
- Intimidating? It probably shouldn't be if you've configured X
- Windows on your Linux box. These examples should give you patterns
- to look for when running the setup utility in GRASS (described in
- the Installation Guide).